

Wound care management represents a major health care problem in the entire world and biomedical research is constantly seeking  for new options with respect to promoting the healing process and to reduce the therapy cost. The goal of the project is the design, development and evaluation of new biomimetic and bioactive polymeric nanostructures (BBPNs), for the treatment of acute and chronic wounds. The innovative designed nanostructures are based on chitosan/chitosan-hyaluronic acid nanoscaffolds, which have incorporated curcumin, propolis, honey, insulin, L-arginine or allantoin, as active substances, with important biological effects such as antimicrobial, antioxidant anti-inflammatory and healing. The innovative BBPNs will be: (i) characterized using Scanning Electron Microscopy, Transmission Electron Microscopy, FT-IR spectroscopy, X-Ray Diffraction, Thermal behavior; (ii) studied in terms of physico-chemical and mechanical parameters (porosity and swelling degree, contact angle measurements, tensile strength, entrapment efficiency, rheology, water vapor transmission); (iii) kinetic studies of delivery of the active substances; (iv) in vitro assays (antimicrobial and antioxidant effects, citotoxicity and hemocompatibility, cell migration and wound closure); (v) in vivo assays (wound model induced to diabetic and nondiabetic rats). The novelty of the project is supported by the original design of the BBPNs which assure antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and healing effects.

The objectives of the project

The goal of the project is the design, development and evaluation of new biomimetic and bioactive polymeric nanomaterials (BBPNs) as electrospun nanofibers, for the treatment of acute and chronic wounds.

The goal of the project will be achieved through the following concrete objectives:

  • Preparation of biomimetic nanoscaffolds basedchitosan and chitosan-hyaluronic acid.
    • Development of new innovative BBPNs, by incorporating of active substances (AS) such as curcumin, propolis, honey, insulin, Larginine or allantoin, into the biomimetic nanoscaffolds.  
    • Physico-chemical and biological characterization of new BBPNs: (i) using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), FT-IR spectroscopy; X-Ray Difraction (XRD), thermal behavior (DSC, TGA); (ii) in terms of physico-chemical and mechanical parameters (porosity and swelling degree, contact angle measurements, tensile strength, entrapment efficiency, rheology, water vapor transmission, etc); (iii) kinetic studies of delivery of the active substances; (iv) in vitro assays (antimicrobial and antioxidant effects, citotoxicity and hemocompatibility, cell migration and wound closure); (v) in vivo assays using wound model.


Procesul de îngrijire a rănilor este o problemă majoră de sănătate iar cercetătorii caută constant soluții pentru grăbirea procesului de cicatrizare și reducerea costurilor. Scopul proiectului este dezvoltarea de noi nanostructuri polimerice inovatoare, biomimetice și bioactive (BBPNs) pentru tratamentul rănilor, acute și cronice. Nanostructurile dezvoltate sunt pe bază de chitosam/chitosan-acid hialuronic, având încorporate curcumină, propolis, miere, insulină, L-arginină sau allantoină, ca substanțe active (SA), cu importante efecte biologice: antimicrobiene, antioxidante, cicatrizante și antiinflamatoare. Nanomaterialele dezvoltate vor fi: (i) caracterizate utilizând microscopia electronică de scanare, microscopia electronică de transmisie, spectroscopia FT-IR, difracția de raze X, analiza termică, (ii) studiate din punct de vedere al parametrilor fizico-chimici și mecanici (gradul de porozitate/umflare, măsurarea unghiului de contact și a parametrilor mecanici, eficiența încărcării, studii de reologie, determinarea transmisiei vaporilor de apă), (iii) studii privind cinetica de eliberare a SA, (iv) studii in vitro (efecte antimicrobiene și antioxidante, citotoxicitate, hemocompatibilitate, migrare celulară și închiderea rănilor), (v) studii in vivo (model de rană indusă la șobolani nondiabetici și diabetici). Noutatea proiectului de cercetare este susținută de design-ul original al BBPNs care asigură efecte antimicrobiene, antiinflamatoare de cicatrizante.